

2 commentaires:

  1. L'abbaye de Valloires fut fondée en 1137 et connut une telle prospérité qu'une première abbatiale fut construite en 1226. La guerre de Cent Ans et la guerre de Trente Ans la laissèrent toutefois en ruine à force de pillages et d'opérations militaires.
    Elle fut entièrement restaurée entre 1741 et 1756, et fut cédée en 1880 à la société St-Vincent-de-Paul qui en fit un orphelinat, avant d'être un hôpital militaire belge puis un préventorium pour enfant.
    Les jardins, magnifiques, ont été créés en 1989 et s'étendent sur huit hectares.

  2. In 1138, Guy II of Ponthieu agreed with Cistercian monks to the foundation of their seventh abbey in France. The monks established themselves at Valloires in the valley of the Authie river in 1158. At the height of its prosperity, in the 12th and 13th centuries, the abbey was home to about one hundred monks. The abbey’s wealth allowed the construction of the first abbey in the rib-vaulted style as early as 1226. In the following centuries, especially during the Hundred Years War and the Thirty Years War, the abbey suffered badly because of military operations and pillage.
    By the 17th century, it was nothing much more than ruins. But the abbey was rebuilt, the work being completed around 1730.
    In 1880, the abbey was run by the Society of Saint-Vincent-de-Paul to be used as an orphanage. Sold again in 1906, it was classified as a historic monument, then abandoned. During WWI it was transformed into a military hospital and in 1922, it became a preventorium for children.
    Today the abbey is the property of an association founded in 1922. One part is devoted to the care of children in difficulty, the other is reserved for paying guests.
    Created in 1989 with a collection of over 4000 rare plants, the Jardins de Valloires cover an area of eight hectares.
