2 commentaires:

  1. C'est au Ardvreck Castle que fut retenu prisonnier l'un des plus grands ennemis de Cromwell, à savoir le comte de Montrose. Les ruines de ce château construit au 16ème siècle par le clan McLeod agrémentent le Loch Assynt, célèbre pour ses saumons et son île boisée. En face, le long de la A837 se dressent aussi les ruines de la Calda House.

  2. Standing on a rocky promontory jutting out into Loch Assynt, Ardvreck Castle is a ruined building dating from the 16th century. It is thought to have been constructed around 1590 by the Clan MacLeod family who owned Assynt and the surrounding area from the 13th century onwards.
    The royalist Marquis of Montrose, Cromwell's most famous ennemy, was captured and held there in 1650 before being transported to Edinburgh for trial and execution.
    The castle was then attacked and captured by the Clan MacKenzie in 1672. In 1726 they constructed a more modern manor house nearby, called Calda House, which burned down under mysterious circumstances one night in 1737.
